What is Let’s Grow Michigan?

Let’s Grow Michigan, kicked off in May 2023 by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, is an initiative to engage Michiganders in the goal of boosting the state’s population, as part of the larger population growth effort led by Michigan’s first Chief Growth Officer, Hilary Doe.
The population growth effort works to implement strategies from Michigan’s blueprint for growth and position the state as an even better place for Michiganders — new and old — to call home, with great opportunities, great places and welcoming communities across our state.

Let’s Grow Michigan is focused on talent attraction and retention efforts that engage the public in the campaign to grow Michigan. In partnership with local communities, Let’s Grow Michigan pilots programs to test regional growth strategies and activates stakeholders and Michiganders as ambassadors to tell Michigan’s story. The team leads public engagement efforts statewide to center Michigan voices in growth strategies and releases research and polling to inform stakeholder work statewide.

Check out the 2024 national poll results

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What do we want? More Michiganders!

Let’s Grow Michigan’s goal is to attract and retain talent to Michigan and reverse population decline
So how do we plan to do it?

The three blueprint strategies are:

  • plus icon yellowMaking Michigan the Innovation Hub of the Midwest.
  • plus icon purple Building a lifelong learning system focused on future-ready skills and competencies.
  • plus icon yellow Creating thriving, resilient communities that are magnets for young talent.

To date, the Let’s Grow Michigan Team has engaged 3,000 Michiganders across 878 ZIP codes to get feedback on challenges they face in their communities, as well as what people love about the place they call home.

The more we know about the factors that make Michigan a great place to live, work and grow, the better!

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